Who are the Doula Angels

Who are the Doula Angels

Doula Angels are birth doulas trained and certified by the Doula Academie. They specialize in creating a home birth mentality in a clinical setting. This means that a Doula Angel specifically speaks the protocolised language of the hospital where you are giving birth. This could be your personal choice (due to, for example, a request for pain relief), or you may have known for a while that you will be 'medical' because you or your baby need extra monitoring during pregnancy and/or delivery.

Doula Angels step in when your care is transferred from the first-line midwifery practice to the second-line hospital midwifery or gynaecological department. You can book a Doula Angel at the last minute or well in advance.

Doula Angels work in a team of certified birth doula's, so you don't know in advance who 'your Angel' will be. However, you are assured of continuous care and the presence of the same Doula Angel during your delivery, just as a first-line midwife or even a maternity caregiver would do, if possible.

Within second-line clinical care in hospitals, 8-hour shifts are common. Nurses and midwives would love to stay with you continuously, but it's simply not possible due to a shortage of staff and the high demand for care from other patients. This is beyond their control, and they would prefer it to be different, but it is the reality of the current organization of our healthcare system.

Your birth matters! Every woman deserves to be continuously seen, heard, and supported during a clinical delivery. A Doula Angel helps you and your partner achieve that.

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Resmi Eikenhout-Bholasingh

To instill confidence, offer continuous support and help my clients being prepared for every possible birthing scenario, that is what I stand for. By offering various services to expectant parents, I aim to provide peace and create space for the parent(s) to make their desired choices.

You can describe me as enthusiastic, down-to-earth, and tactful. As a doula with Surinamese-Hindustani roots, I also bring my culture and traditions into my work.

I utilize various methods to support the birthing process, such as breathing exercises, massages, aromatherapy, and movement. Whether we are in a hospital setting, with or without a medical reason, we explore options that best suit you and align with your preferences. I believe that this approach not only facilitates childbirth but empowers the pregnant individual.


Camila Hollemans

I originate from Brazil and have been living in the Netherlands since 2011 with my husband and 2 daughters. I speak Dutch, English and Portuguese fluently.

Since the experience of the birth of my first child, I have felt a desire to support women during this beautiful process of motherhood. After my second daughter was born, that wish came true when I found the professional training to become a Birth Doula.

I have always studied and worked towards improving well-being. With the study of body therapies such as massages, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Yoga, and meditation, I have expanded my knowledge, and now I integrate them all into my work as a Doula.

My philosophy is that the woman should be at the center of this transformative process, which goes far beyond childbirth itself. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period are events that cannot be separated from each other, so I provide my full assistance during this journey. As a doula, I specialize in baby health, the perspective of babies on birth, breastfeeding & pregnancy, and postpartum health.

In addition to my doula training, I have also completed the following studies: Baby's Perspective on Being Born, Breastfeeding Consultant, Homeopathy for Pregnancy and Childbirth, Rebozo workshop, Pregnancy Massage Therapist, Biomechanics for Birth (including Spinning Babies), and Hypnobirthing.

My family (husband and 2 daughters) are the ones who encourage, support, and give me the strength to fulfill my dreams. The truth is that I do what I do because of them. They were the ones who ignited this passion for motherhood in me, and my husband is the one who supports my dreams so that I can make them come true.


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Miriam Mengerink

Going through childbirth has a profound impact on your life. You would like the birth to go as smoothly as possible and to have a positive start with your baby. I believe that every woman deserves a positive birthing experience, and as a doula, it is my role to support women in achieving this.

People around me describe my character as warm, loving, down-to-earth, caring, and engaged. Helping, guiding, providing loving attention, and encouraging form the foundation of my work as a doula. I use these qualities to assist you in bringing out the best in yourself and your birthing experience.

As a doula, I provide tailor made mental support and guidance. I adapt my services to your needs and preferences, whether it's through a massage, suggesting birthing positions, breathing exercises, or simply holding your hand.

Also in a hospital setting, I seek opportunities to create a homely atmosphere so that you and your (birth) partner can focus as much as possible on the birthing process.


Maudy Rademaker

Going through childbirth is not 'just' the birth of your little one. In my eyes, it's also the birth of you as a mother. As a woman, you go through different layers of emotion during childbirth, and I will ensure that you stay grounded. Both figuratively and literally speaking (as well as mentally).

Emotionally; I will support you and your birthing partner, and physically; I will assist you in making your childbirth a positive experience that you can lovingly look back upon. I will do my best to protect your birthing preferences so that you can focus on the moment. If there is a birthing partner present, I'll ensure that you can stay in the moment together and not be distracted by anything else.

I was employed by the Dutch national police force until November 2023 and can therefore be quite clear and firm when necessary. My abundance of empathy makes it come across gently. I believe giving birth is the most beautiful thing there is, which is why I became a proud Doula Angel this year.


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Madi van Tonder

Meraki Madi originated from the need to reconnect. I wanted to discover what it truly means to be happy: with ourselves, our health, and our environment. I wanted to re-establish connections with people and my surroundings and find a way to fulfill my desire to help others while also developing my creative side and interest in human biology and health. That's how my journey as a doula and (birth) photographer began. 

As a South African Dutchy, I speak English, Afrikaans, and Dutch fluently. After finishing school, I studied Human Life Sciences and worked as a biology and mathematics teacher for high school students.

As a doula and photographer specializing in pregnancy and newborn babies, I provide comprehensive support to families during the exciting and transformative period of welcoming a new baby into their lives.

Our bodies are amazing and as women, we already have all the strength we need within us! I am here to make you aware of those powers and lend a helping hand where necessary. I am your support in this fantastic adventure that is about to begin.


Joyceline Sno-Winter

Childbirth is a unique and personal experience, demanding everything from you both physically and emotionally. Good information and personal attention are crucial to having a more positive birthing experience, regardless of how the process unfolds. Equally important is proper processing afterwards. Additionally, how do you balance parenthood with your career or social life? I am here to assist you with all this.

It is my belief and experience that pregnancy and childbirth are better experienced with personal guidance and sufficient information. Most women (and men) have many questions and uncertainties surrounding pregnancy and beyond but may not feel comfortable discussing them openly. Guidance during pregnancy is a crucial step in dealing with all the changes related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. There are no taboos in my approach, and everything can be asked and discussed in confidence. My approach is personal and warm, but not spiritual.


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