Which midwifery practices co-operate with the Doula Angels?

Which midwifery practices co-operate with the Doula Angels?

The best care for you and your baby

The midwife is there for you at every stage of your pregnancy, during childbirth, and in the postpartum period. With all the attention and the best care you need, along with personal support and professional guidance. The aim is to give you confidence in your body so that you can give birth powerfully and look back on it with a positive feeling. And if you have questions in between, if you're worried, or if you want to share something, you can always call her or make an appointment. You can always rely on her.

In Amsterdam, the Doula Angels collaborate with a team of dedicated midwives with two practice locations in Amsterdam South. You can find them at https://verloskundigenamsterdamzuid.nl.With them, you'll receive time, attention, and care tailored to your needs. As experienced midwives, they teach you to trust your own body so that you can give birth confidently and independently.

In Haarlem region, the Doula Angels collaborate with https://Verloskundigenpraktijk Haarlemmermeer en Bollenstreek/. They have a total of 5 practice locations around Haarlem, including one at the Spaarne Gasthuis. With a large team of experienced midwives, they provide professional and compassionate care.

If the firstline/ regional midwife needs to transfer the care for you and your baby to a hospital, they prefer to stay with you themselves. However, sometimes that's not possible. That's why the participating practices are proud of their collaboration with the Doula Angels from theDoula Academie..

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Personal, continuous care by a midwife ór a doula

Ultimately, you should be able to look back on your birth experience with satisfaction, whether it was at home with the support of Verloskundigen Amsterdam Zuid, https://verloskundigenpraktijkhaarlemmermeerenbollenstreek.nl/, or another participating practice in a different city, in a hospital setting, or under the direct care of an obstetrician with the assistance of a doula. To give your baby the best possible start, a primary care midwife always provides personalized care. Before and during pregnancy, during childbirth, and in the postpartum period.

If the situation changes and your care is transferred to an obstetrician, the midwife ensures a smooth handover. Often, they may not be able to stay with you during childbirth if it happens during the delivery of your baby. To still provide you with the personalized care and support you were expecting from your own midwife, the participating practices have developed an unique doula service for their clients. This means that the midwife can call upon a selected, experienced doula from the https://doulaacademie.nl/ at any time for you. The primary care/ first line/ regional midwife then transfers all necessary knowledge to the on-duty Doula Angel, who will personally support you during your medical childbirth. Essentially, they provide this support just as they would if they were primary care midwives themselves, if circumstances allowed.

When the (home)birth of your baby turns medical

At Verloskundigen Amsterdam Zuid and https://verloskundigenpraktijkhaarlemmermeerenbollenstreek.nl/, we are here for you, just as our secondary care/ hospital colleagues often are, to provide you with optimal guidance towards your childbirth. This allows you to decide how and where you want to give birth. Because you have received all the information from us and have built confidence during the prenatal consultations, you can decide for yourself how and where you want to give birth. However, sometimes things don't go as planned. You may then receive a medical indication, which means you are no longer able to give birth under the care of your midwife, but will be transferred to an OBGYN in a hospital. This can be known well in advance of the birth, but it can also happen suddenly during labour itself. If the birth becomes medical, we may still be able to stay until your baby is born. However, this is not always possible.

Being under hospital care, you will receive high standard medical care during the birth of your baby. However, it can be busy in hospital. Generally, there is little time for a nurse or midwive to stay with you and assist you during contractions. From experience, we know that many women who had to give birth suddenly in the hospital did not find it pleasant sice they had to change mindset and their prespective on their ideal birth scenario, all of a sudden. Scientific research also shows that continuous support during childbirth leads to better outcomes, such as fewer interventions, a smoother delivery, and, importantly, satisfied women and partners.

That's why we've developed a unique Doula service: the Doula Angels. For this, we have selected a number of experienced doulas from the Doula Academie who align with our practices and our vision. One of these dedicated doulas is always available for you at whatever time. This ensures that there is someone with you (and your partner) during your hospital birth, if you want that support.

The doula in your delivery room is entirely focused on you. With their clinical and physiological training at the Doula Academie and their experience, they sense what you might need and take care of it. They help explain protocols and manage your expectations so you know what's happening or what your options are. The on-duty doula also maintains contact with us during the birth. While we may not be there physically, we remain engaged and informed so that you can even consult with us if you wish, during the deliver in hospital.

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What is a doula? And what does this exclusive doula service entails?

A doula from the Doula Academie is a trained birth professional who supports you during childbirth. She is clinically trained and familiar with medical protocols. But, most importantly, she is there to support you in every possible way. This can involve giving you a back massage, bringing a cup of tea for you or your partner, or even engaging in conversation with the doctors or explaining to you what the doctor means when necessary. Based on their experience, they understand what many birthing women need and use their accumulated knowledge to make your childbirth experience as smooth as possible. A doula never provides medical support and will not make decisions about medical matters on your behalf. She is present purely for you, to guide you the best way possible, based on her experience and on what you need.

The Doula service is exclusive to clients of participating midwifery practices who, due to a medical indication, are expected or unexpectedly have to give birth in the hospital. If it turns out during the birth of your baby that a gynecologist needs to take over, we arrange the handover. And if you decide at that moment that you want further support from a doula, the midwife calls the doulas and provides a phone handover to the one who is 'on call' at that time. This doula then comes to the hospital and stays with you until your baby is born.

From January 2024, you'll find more primary care midwifery practices partnering with Doula Angels in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Haarlem, and Rotterdam! We're proud to see more practices joining this wonderful initiative!

How much does a Doula Angel cost?

Hiring a doula for her birth services typically costs around €2.000,- for a full package deal. However, this exclusive Doula service from participating midwifery practices costs €800,- (incl. VAT). Of this amount, €100,- will immediately be refunded to the participating midwifery practice. They can then use this money to help out those women in need of extra care or items.

With a doula at your hospital birth, we guarantee that you will receive the personal care and attention you expected from us. And just as we hope to help that the birth goes as satisfactory as possible, the presence of a doula, like us, results in fewer interventions during a hospital birth. This so-called 'doula effect'* leads to:

  • 60% fewer epidural requests
  • 50% less use of, among other things, oxytocin for induction
  • 45% fewer cesarean sections
  • 34% fewer forceps deliveries
  • 31% less frequent requests for pain relief
  • 25% shorter duration of labour

You can include the Doula service in your birth plan if you already know during your pregnancy that you are going to be transferred into medical care. But it can also be decided only during childbirth itself. There is always a doula available.

Only a few midwifery practices in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Haarlem, and Rotterdam offer this unique service for women who, due to their medical indication, have to give birth in the hospital without their trusted midwife. With the Doula Angels service, they remain involved and ensure that you can count on maximum personal support in every aspect. This allows you to focus on your childbirth and have confidence that you are being well taken care of. Just as they would if it were possible. Would you like to know more about this? Ask your midwife; they are there for you.

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